What We Do

The Collinsville Choir Boosters exists to support the needs of the Collinsville Choir program. We support those needs in multiple ways. The main way we provide support is by providing money to the choir when the need arrises. This can be for unexpected expenses (like piano repair, or unexpected transportation costs), or for planned expenses (All-State Jackets, Choir Travel Trips).

How We Make Money

The booster club makes money via two main methods: Fundraisers and Donations. Fundraisers we have run in the past include the High School Homecoming Dance, restaurant fundraisers, Spaghetti Dinners, Boars Head Feast dinner, and many more. We also accept donations from individuals and businesses.

2024-2025 Planned Distribution of Money from Fundraisers

Proceeds from fundraising events will be split between the following:

  1. Booster General Fund (used for general Choir and Drama expenses)
  2. Other TBD

The amount distributed between these areas will vary fundraiser to fundraiser based on the current needs of the choir.

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